Privacy policy

Working up our way on trust, understanding, and a sense of gratification bestowed upon us by users, Kiddotshirts never fails to ensure that your privacy is kept intact. In addition, we provide 100% security, ensuring that all your transactions are secure and safe. Herein, we have discussed the privacy policy we tend to follow that helps us gather, put into use, assimilate, and use the personal information we acquire through our main website, different browsers, and mobile applications. 


Terms of the agreement offered:

All visits you make to the Kiddotshirts website give us the liberty to access your personal information. You are obliged to adhere to the terms of usage formulated under the Privacy Policy, which even includes the terms and conditions related to the products and services we offer. In any situation where you cannot follow up on these conditional terms, all the information provided on our website is off-limits to you. 


Information on Personal Details:

Kiddotshirts tends to collect personal information pertaining to you as part of the services you make use of, the listicle to which is provided here:


  • User details: We analyze and store all the information automatically collected during your visit to the website. Holding up the information limits your access to the website and the services provided. 
  • Involuntary information: We also collect information based on the services you opt for and your interaction with the Kiddotshirt website. This is done by employing cookies and other cache settings. 
  • Additional sources of details: We collect subsidiary information from varied external sources, mostly details related to the delivery address, which helps us streamline our website accordingly. 


Exemplar of the information collected:

We collect information related to the user's identity, information pertinent to payments, IP address, age, location, and supplementary details as needed. 


Usage of personal details collected:

  • All the information that we collect has various uses and purposes of action:
  • It helps us to litigate and manage the prevention of fraud and credit card transaction risks.
  • Helps us to ensure that we comply with the legal accountability that arises. 
  • Makes it easier for us to provide tailor-made experiences in alignment with the suggestions and the experience that have been elaborated. 
  • Expedite the delivery of the products and services we offer in a user-friendly manner. 
  • Amplify the marketing of the products and services offered in lieu of the users' interest. 


Sharing of personal details:

All the personal details that get shared will be subject to the following modes of privacy concerns and policies of usage, which is:

  • Transfers to Business portals: All the information collected from the user can be transferred as part of the business expansion or other endeavors that need to be done. 
  • Platforms for marketing: The information we store is shared with third-party advertising and marketing services for public and personal promotional use. 
  • Security concerns related to Kiddotshirts:  Our website, Kiddotshirts, can divulge your personal information in times of upholding the legal necessities that arise, safeguarding of the website's safety and property rights, or when there is a need for enforcement of the terms of service. 
  • Transactions pertaining to third-party usage: Information can also be transferred to third parties directly associated with our website and services. 
  • Third-party service providers: Within the laws governed, we give the service providers working with us freedom to use the information we collect. 



We tend to use cookies to improve search options and enhance our website's overall content. This is done to align the content displayed with users' interests. 


Children’s privacy:

We at Kiddotshirt tend to avoid the breach of privacy of anyone younger than eighteen and, hence, voluntarily do not collect their information. This policy was drawn based on the Indian Contract Act of 1872, thus restricting the age of users who visit our website. 


Changes to the policies:

Constant and periodic updates to our policies and terms of usage occur at regular intervals. We will not be responsible for the loss of data or information as a result of the changes made. For any doubts, queries, or complaints that you may have, feel free to contact our team via email or the number mentioned on the website.