• Jun 06, 2024

What are the strategies for handling and preventing toddler tantrums?

Various strategies exist for handling and preventing toddler tantrums. These strategies will help build a strong bond between you and your child. They also allow a child to be calm and remain quiet for a longer time so that you can do your day-to-day work without getting disturbed. Here are the key points to remember while handling toddlers. 


  • You need to give a lot of positive attention to the child.
  • You can make them learn to control little things.
  • You can keep the objects far from the toddlers and out of their sight so that they can manage small things independently. 
  • You can distract the child by giving them a new task or involving them in your work, such as cooking, gardening, etc., so that they can develop motor skills and learn the meaning of teamwork. 
  • You can help them develop new skills and succeed and praise them for every task, improving their confidence. 
  • You can give rewards to the toddler for good behaviour or tasks so that you can fulfill their desire more positively. 
  • You must be sure about the child's limits, such as if the toddler is tired, then do not pressure them to go outside; instead, make them rest. 


What are four ways to prevent tantrums?

There are four ways to prevent tantrums, but before that, keep cool when responding to the child's tantrum. It has been advised not to complicate the problem with your own frustration or anger; instead, stay calm and follow the strategies mentioned below.


Mind, Body, and Soul time connection.

A toddler's tantrum can be controlled by listening to MIND, BODY, and SOUL time, specifically called MBST. The MBST must be done one-on-one with the child for at least 10 to 15 international minutes each day. It strengthens the emotional connection and reduces mischievous behaviors like attention-seeking behaviors, which in turn reduces tantrums. 


Need to make sure that the environment is controlled. 

People need to understand that they can control their environment, so in that case, remove the tasks or things that might trigger their toddler. For example, if your baby needs an afternoon nap, then do not put some kind of snap in it, as doing so will prevent his sleep at unusual times. 


Keep the expectations clear. 

You can help them understand the task and let them do it by keeping your expectations clear and concise. For example, suppose you are taking your son to a birthday party and know about his behavior. In that case, you must clarify your behavior expectations with him so that he learns that fun should be there but not ruin other experiences. 


Deliver the positive energy. 

Kids need to be raised with some positive energy so that they will not struggle and feel free to make their own positive choices. Let them choose their clothes, colors, and food, and praise them for their decisions. Once the positive energy is all over their surroundings, it will eventually reduce the negative vibe. 


How do you beat a toddler's tantrum?

A child's tantrum needs to be understood so that parents can work on the leading cause of this kind of behavior. If the child is upset, then parents can make it a comfortable environment. If the toddler is hungry, then it might be that the child needs rest or can have some snacks. 

Stay calm while your child is throwing tantrums. Once the behavior becomes neutral, make sure the child completes the task under your supervision. 

Kids who are likely to be violent and try to hurt themselves need to be quiet, so in order to do so, take them to a safe place and keep them with you so that they can feel safe. 


What are the things you should do to handle a child having a temper tantrum?

Small children are likely to be active and have a lot of energy. When they don't have their desired things, they start to show tantrums, so do not outbursts or distract the child with a new task in that situation. The best way to handle a temper tantrum is to ignore it.

So, these are some of the information that might help correct the toddler's behavior.