• Aug 27, 2024

What are the 10 most healthy foods for kids?

Kids are at a growing age and require a great amount of nutrients and energy in a day. Many parents have the same questions, such as what is the best food for their kid, then nutritious and healthy fat, which is essential for growth and development for any age kid. Following is a list of the ten most healthy foods for Kids that should be a must in their daily diet and very easy to prepare:


1. MIlk 


Milk is one of the necessary liquid foods that must be in a kid's diet. It contains calcium, protein, vitamin A, phosphorus and several other nutrients that make the bones stronger and also helps in building muscles. Wait for the KKidto turn at least 1 year old to serve them with Cow's milk.


2. Eggs


An egg contains a total of 6g protein, iron, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12. Many eggs contain Omega 3, which helps develop children's brains. You can cook eggs in various ways for your kids, like scrambled, salad, omelet, boiled, and more. Eggs are considered non-veg and may not be eaten in many households.


3. Cheese


One of the things that every kid likes is cheese. You can serve it to them with sandwiches, pizza, eggs, or any other snacks to add additional protein to their food. Cheese also contains a great amount of Vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorous, which are essential for healthy bone growth.


4. Vegetables


Vegetables of any kind is good for kids health and each colour depicts a different nutrient that you will get from it. However most of the kids are not a fan of vegetables and may not like eating it raw. The best way to serve it to them is to cut them in small pieces and mix it with the dishes.


5. Yogurt 


It contains some good bacteria that helps in improving the gut. However, you have to make sure that the Yogurt has Vitamin D and sugar less than 15g as it comes in different varieties. It is an easy way to serve your kKidwith calcium and protein.


6. Berries 


Berries have a high volume of Vitamin C and antioxidants and contain less sugar than any other fruits. They help protect your cells from damage and boost the immune system. You can use Strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries as a topping for your oatmeal, cereal, pancakes, ice cream, or Yogurt


7. Peanut butter 


Peanut butter offers a rich source of fat, protein and energy to the kids which is necessary for their age. Before buying a peanut butter, you should read its ingredients carefully as some of the brands have additional oil, salt and sugar which reduces the nutrition in it.


8. Sweet Potato 


Sweet Potato is healthy no matter the age of the kid is seven montKid seven years or 17 years. They contains beta carotene which helps in maintaining the blood pressure and keeps the heart healthy, One of the plus points of Sweet Potatoes is that they get ready in a few minutes and most of the kids liked it baked.


9. Oatmeal


It is the best option for the kid's breakfast as they can have it with their cereals or smoothies. Oatmeal has a good amount of fiber & nutrients and also has a lower risk for allergies. It is recommended that you add oats to your kid's daily kid's


10.   Avocado


There are multiple amounts of healthy fats included in an Avocado, and it keeps the stomach full for a long time as it digests very slowly. The best way to serve Avocado to a kid is through a dip and by adding it to a burger or sandwich.