• Jun 11, 2024

How you can manage to dress your kids in a work schedule?

Dressing as a powerful tool of expression for the kids. 

Kids dressing has been a centre of attention since quite a long time. Indeed, how well and effectively you need to dress up your kid well within the trends in fashion has been in discussion since a long time. When you are both working parents, it indeed tends to be a point of concern on how to find the right amount of time to dress up your kids well. This is what is being discussed here elaborately which you can check through and then make an understanding of. The overall idea of the same would help you how to effectively manage to dress your kids well even in the midst of hectic work schedule.


There are certain tricks which can be followed by the working parents if they would like to effectively manage to dress up kids in a work schedule. The details of the same are given here:


  • Make sure to be well prepared prior to the busy morning you would have. Check through the closet of your kids and select the clothes accordingly as per the occasion. On a school day, wash, iron and keep the clothes and other necessaries handy so as to speed up the dressing up of the kid. 


  • Plan for the entire week and keep the wardrobe ready for the same, by creating a checklist for the entire week and adhering to the same. 


  • Create separate space and sections in the wardrobe as per the occasion and situations of dressing up the kids has to undergo. This would help you to sort it all out and have hassle free dress up for the kid through the entire week without any issue, while managing your work. 


How to manage kids while going to office?


To manage a kid while going to the office is not a hercules task. Things that can be kept in the mind while going to the office and at the same time managing the kids is:


  • Look for the most suitable daycare that would be well suited with the office hours that you have. This would help you to keep the child engaged in the daycare till the time you make it back from the office. 


  • If given the choice, one of the parents can look for and fund work from home or flexible work options, which would enable one parent to be present to take care of the kid at all times. 


  • A trustable hands on nanny can be kept at home, who would take care of the kid during the office hours of both the parents. This would also help to ease out on the workload on the parents. 


  • Always inform the office about the strict timings you would adhere so as to devote equal amount of time at home for the kid, creating an overall balance. 


How to dress children appropriately?


Various factors associated with dressing up the children appropriately is given here for you to look over:


  • Always try to avoid making your child wear uncomfortable clothes with suffocating necklines, sleeves and waistlines. 


  • Find the accurate size for the dresses rather than looking for loose baggy clothes for the child to wear, thinking of it fitting in over the growing years. 


  • Apar from comfort look for the clothes that would work well with the child and help them to be in style and within the trend. 


  • Allow them and give them the space to choose the clothes as per the comfort that they have. Let them be the stylist for the choice of clothes which they would like to opt for themselves. 


When should children be encouraged to learn how to dress themselves? 


The right age for the parents to encourage a child to dress themselves would be when they are 4 to 5 years old. By the time the child is 5 years old, they develop the sense of dressing up the right way in mostly all the cases. You can act as a guide for the child to direct them with guesswork on what would be the right choice of clothes to wear. Put all the supposed options in front of them so that they can look through and select the one that best suits your interests.